Banana Split - ice cream review

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

First Impressions: Laffy Taffy Banana
Loved: Fudge swirl
Wished it had: Neapolitan base
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

No lie, I wasn't expecting much from this ice cream even when I pulled it off the shelf.  But the idea of a banana split inside a ½ gallon box was just too intriguing to pass up.

The first thing I got pulling off the lid was the overwhelming smell of banana....flavoring.  *sigh*  Well I guess putting real banana's into an ice cream would be a stretch.  No question here, it was a very distinct Laffy Taffy Banana scent that I got.

As I dug in it mostly looked like fudge swirled vanilla with some red specks that I found out were maraschino cherries.  The good (?) news is that once you get past the banana scent it really tastes like plain vanilla ice cream.  Double-edge sword since while I don't care much for banana candy it was the one thing that made this even remotely resemble the famous dessert.  Other than the fudge swirl and cherry pieces their were some scattered nuts, enough to give you a nut or cherry every other bite.

I guess they got the basics down with this ice cream.  Though I would have loved them using real bananas.  It also would have been cool if the ice cream base was Neapolitan instead of plain vanilla, matching the classic banana split image.

Not terrible but also not amazing, and since I'm not a fan of maraschino cherries or nuts in ice cream I don't see myself buying this one again.

Ingredients List
Ice Cream
Nuts and fruit mixture
Choco fudge
Allergens: Milk, Pecans

Is it sad that just a few days ago I was flipping that container around and around looking for the expiration date and finally gave up....and now I see it in the picture I'm editing.  Lol, right on the lid.


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