Song of the Day: Fly Away - Sugarland

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Live performance of in 2005

Death by Chocolate - ice cream review

Monday, August 5, 2013

First Impression: what are those white things in the picture
Loved: chewy fudge chunks
Wished it had: white chocolate chips
Rating: 4.8 out of 5

Banana Split - ice cream review

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

First Impressions: Laffy Taffy Banana
Loved: Fudge swirl
Wished it had: Neapolitan base
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Tarotcise: Summer Plans

Friday, June 28, 2013

I love Tarotcises from The Tarot Lady.  I've said many times that I don't read for myself, but these exercises aren't quite....reading for yourself.  It's investigation, it's recognizing and defining the keywords you see in the cards.  I read on mainly on intuition.  I see a story in the cards and tell it.  The exercises help me find new meaning in the cards.

The Tarot Lady
Okay Tarotistas - it's time for a little Tarotcise! I want you to consciously pick a card that describes your summer plans. Then shuffle your deck, and pull one to see what you need to know to get your summer on properly. Go:

Yes/No Tarot Spreads

Monday, May 20, 2013

There's many different opinions about yes/no spreads and whether we should do them.  As a reader it is inevitable that eventually someone is going to ask you a yes or no question, some readers refuse to read for these instead having their querants revise the question so it's open-ended.

For those that do read these questions there are two main popular methods.  The first is using upright cards as "tick points" for a yes and reversals for a no.  Based on how many of these cards appear in the spread determines whether the answer is a yes or no, then the cards are read to give further insight into the answer.  The other method is to do a basic 3-5 card free-form reading, in this way it is upon the reader to determine the answer to the question.