Yes/No Tarot Spreads

Monday, May 20, 2013

There's many different opinions about yes/no spreads and whether we should do them.  As a reader it is inevitable that eventually someone is going to ask you a yes or no question, some readers refuse to read for these instead having their querants revise the question so it's open-ended.

For those that do read these questions there are two main popular methods.  The first is using upright cards as "tick points" for a yes and reversals for a no.  Based on how many of these cards appear in the spread determines whether the answer is a yes or no, then the cards are read to give further insight into the answer.  The other method is to do a basic 3-5 card free-form reading, in this way it is upon the reader to determine the answer to the question.

Phoenyx? What's a Phoenyx?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Today I thought I'd share with you the story behind my name.  Where did the term "Phoenyx Jewels" come from?  Why don't I spell phoenix correctly?  It's actually a very personal journey and, to be fair, really starts in 2004 when I decided to change my religion from Christianity to Wicca (to the horror of my parents).

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