Tarotcise: Summer Plans

Friday, June 28, 2013

I love Tarotcises from The Tarot Lady.  I've said many times that I don't read for myself, but these exercises aren't quite....reading for yourself.  It's investigation, it's recognizing and defining the keywords you see in the cards.  I read on mainly on intuition.  I see a story in the cards and tell it.  The exercises help me find new meaning in the cards.

The Tarot Lady
Okay Tarotistas - it's time for a little Tarotcise! I want you to consciously pick a card that describes your summer plans. Then shuffle your deck, and pull one to see what you need to know to get your summer on properly. Go:

Llewellyn Tarot

Describes plans: The Fool

I'm job-hunting this summer, but more than that I feel like I'm really starting over in a way.  I'm not super concerned about finding something in my field I'm just looking for a good job I can enjoy.

What I need to know: 3 of Pentacles

I feel this solidifies my decision to look for something I enjoy.  I've always looked at the girl in this card as relaxed and completely enjoying what she is doing.  Putting her project before the money (and it helps that I happen to love sewing).

I do have a confession to make, I broke the rules a little here.  As I was sifting through my deck looking for the first card I'd been focusing on Pentacles for job-hunting.  Then I noticed the Fool card reversed.  I never read with reversed cards and make a point to keep them all facing one way, so when I do come across a reversal I treat it as my being told to PAY ATTENTION to this card.  It seemed like the tarot wanted me to pull that card so I did.  Funny, the 3 of Pentacles was one of the cards I was considering for the first card.


The other card that had been coming to mind for the first draw was the 8 of Pentacles.  At first glance the 3 and 8 of this suit seem very similar.  Both depict working people, who seem to be enjoying what they do.  The girl in the 3 has a soft smile on her face and the fluttering birds, and relaxed cat give the impression that the boy in 8 is just as calm as the animals in the picture.  So what's the difference?

First off, given the choice I'd usually say that the 3 isn't working for money, the field in the card suggests more that this is a personal project.  That said, the pentacles almost always are talking about a career.  So whether this is a career the querant enjoys or a personal project, I'd leave that up to the surrounding cards to determine.  More pentacles probably means it's a career, whereas wands may signify a project for charity.

The 8 of Pentacles, I cannot imagine where I would read this card as anything but career.  The assembly-line look of this figures work is reminiscent of a factory line.  Whether or not the figure enjoys his work is undetermined by this card alone.  Based on the relaxed atmosphere I would hardly say he dislikes it.  The main point this card makes is that the figure is completely engrossed in work.  When I see this card in a relationship reading my gut instinct is always that someone is too focused on work to put effort into the relationship.


The Tarot Lady said...

Hi Ashley

How lovely to see that the Tarotcise inspired a blog post and some tarot exploration! XXOO

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