Coronation Cake - Vanilla, Blueberries, and White Chocolate

Monday, October 22, 2012

This past weekend was dedicated to baking a cake.  I've been having a really strong urge to bake a vanilla cake with blueberry filling ever since I saw this picture floating around the internet.  So I decided to bake one in honor of Dragon's Hollow Coronation this weekend.

Banana Graham Muffins

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lesson of the night: If you want the icing to harden, don't scald the milk.  I know, you're probably wondering how I managed to make that mistake.  I decided to replace the powdered sugar in a recipe for maple sugar, which I knew wouldn't dissolve in the milk as well.  I remember seeing my mom scald milk when making buttercream frosting so the sugar would completely melt so I decided that would be my solution to the gritty maple sugar.  What I forgot was that scalding milk changes it so the combined sugar and milk caramelized and therefore isn't hardening.  Urg.....though now my cookies have a nice dipping sauce. muffins....